Tuesday 1 October 2013

KIRF targets

Each half term we will have a KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) target to help with our maths learning.
This term we are looking at our number bonds, which can really help with our calculations.

This half term KIRF is:

To know all number bonds to 5 and then moving onto 10.



Sunday 22 September 2013


Welcome to our class blog - we are the shining stars!!

On our blog you will be able to see what learning we have been doing and links that can help to develop your learning.

We are now all settled into our new class and all the children seem to be enjoying themselves learning lots of new things.
This term our topic is 'All about me' and we have been looking at what things can help keep us to stay healthy and looking at different parts of our bodies. Soon we are going to be making our own healthy fruit kebab and enjoy a walk around our local area to see different places that can help us stay fit and healthy.

Monday 16 September 2013

Welcome to our class blog!

We are looking forward to sharing our learning on this blog.